Maff and The Magictones
Main Stage – Kinecroft
Saturday 31st August
This is radioactive blues music with enough energy and soul to melt the stage! An accidental band thrown together whilst jamming in Wallingford marketplace during “Winter Blues & Jazz” this February – some met for the first time while playing! – they’ve formed a band especially for BunkFest.
Always a bluesman at heart Maff Potts is fully off the leash here in the company of friends including honey-voiced Fleur Stevenson, much loved jazz vocalist in many a top London club; Stuart Maxwell growlin’ &* howlin’ on blues harp & vocals too; Multi-instrumentalist super-talent Drew Milloy on bass; Rory Evans, famed guitar virtuoso (so good he has guitars named after him!); Geno Washington’s Saxophonist and big band leader Nick Blake; Mr Fabulous himself, Ben Cummings renowned in UK on jazz trumpet and finally the only stranger to these parts, Maff’s brother Simon from up North, astonishing master of the drumkit whose beat will be most emphatically where it needs to be.
It’s kind of a super band – plus Maff(!) – formed just for you so don’t miss it!