Artists information

If you are performing on the Honey Stage or Kinecroft main stage please see the important info below.

The Rowse Honey Stage (on the new festival site) is on the Bullcroft, the gate entrance location is here. (OX10 8HJ)

The main Stage is on the Kinecroft, the gate entrance location is here. (OX10 OBX)

Please arrive at the main gate no more than 1.5 hours before your performance with your vehicle pass in your window.

The stewards will direct you to the stage. Due to space limitations only two vehicles per band is allowed on the Kinecroft and Bullcroft.

If you have other vehicles, you can drop off equipment then park in the reserved parking a short walk away in St George’s Road, parking location here.

Gate Code;  1155

Please remove your vehicle once you have finished your set and packed up.

Many thanks.


The Fringe Team

Friday 31st August – Sunday 1st September

Wallingford, South Oxfordshire